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HySpex VNIR-3000 N

HySpex VNIR-3000 N is developed for field, laboratory, and airborne applications.

HySpex VNIR-3000 N utilizes the same spectrograph as the other classical HySpex VNIR models. With a pixel size of 3.45μm, compared to 6. 5μm for VNIR-1800, HySpex VNIR-3000 N will have less than 1.6 pixels per FWHM of the PSF spatially and less than 1.8 bands spectrally, ensuring that narrow band features will be resolved equally for all cameras. With 3000 spatial pixels, 300 bands and a noise floor of 2.4e-, HySpex VNIR-3000N will provide outstanding SNR levels in dark environments.

The camera is offered with a USB connection, allowing camera operation from any computer and reducing the cost of supplementing equipment. To visualize that the camera has a wider PSF per pixel and band relative to our normal extremely sharp cameras, we have added an N for Nyquist to the model name.

HySpex Classic VNIR-3000 N configuration

For lab and field use, a scanning stage is needed to scan the cameras and build the hyperspectral data cube of the scene. A user-friendly table-top lab setup with translation stage, VNIR-SWIR light sources, and close-up lenses can also be supplied for scanning of samples of varying sizes. The scanning speed is automatically controlled by the data acquisition unit, based on the selected lens option. The lab rack includes a camera adjustment platform, to facilitate camera focus adjustment when using different close-up lenses.


For field operations, NEO supplies a range of high precision rotation stages tailored to fit the number of cameras and the operational scheme is supplied. Long-life Li-ion battery powered solutions are available for increased portability. To ensure stable and reliable acquisitions in challenging field conditions, rugged and portable tripods are supplied. NEO supplies a variety of tripods with pan/tilt heads that will accommodate the payload of the cameras and rotation stage used.

High resolution and high speed, combined with low weight and power consumption, make HySpex cameras very well suited for airborne data acquisition. A typical airborne installation consists of the HySpex cameras coupled with an airborne data acquisition unit, a navigation system (IMU/GPS) and a mounting platform. Both actively stabilized and passively damped mounting platforms can be supplied, as well as standard mounting plates with no damping. IMU/GPS solutions from leading manufacturers can be supplied and integrated with the cameras. Alternatively, HySpex systems can be interfaced with the customer’s existing navigational hardware.

Spectral range  400-1000 nm 
Spatial pixels  3000 
Spectral channels  300 
Spectral sampling  2.0 nm 
FOV*  16° 
Pixel FOV across/along*  0.096/0.32 mrad 
Bit resolution  12 bit 
Noise floor  2.37 e- 
Dynamic range  11000 
Peak SNR (at full resolution)  > 170 
Max speed (at full resolution)  117 fps 
Power consumption  30 W 
Dimensions (l–w–h)  39 – 9.9– 15 cm 
Weight  5.0 kg 
Camera Interface  USB3 

*Can be doubled with FOV expander

Download datasheet (PDF)